Tuesday, 28 January 2014


This is from Graham Norton, with will and Jaden smith and Alfonso Riberio. The target aduience for this will be people over 16 to 35. Also the aduience will be fresh prince of Bel-air fans. People will watch this to see them not being a character and to see their life after fresh prince. Also as this is on after the news it will be attractive them.

Uses of Gratifications
Personal Identity: People might watch the show to see what one of the people are like, and see that they are just normal people, with a not normal job. They could also identify aspects of their personal life.

Entertainment: This will entertain a lot of the people as they will be able to see the celebrities. Also fresh prince is well known, so a lot of people may watch it just for that. also as they are singing the song, it will entertain a lot of people.

Social Integration: After watching this episode a lot of people will talk about it. they will talk about it because a lot of people will enjoy it and want to talk about it with there friends. People may also start doing the dance or rap and people will then start talking about.

How to improve

Audience question

From this question i need to add theories into my answer and use more media terminology. Also i need to expand on my points and go into more detail. 

Representation question

I need to come up with specific examples and go into a more detail with them. I need to make sure I don't just speak general about the example and talk specific about it. I also need to use different uses of language, to explain my points a lot more. 

Revision and study

I need to do more revision before the exam and not do it the day before. I also need to make sure i plan when i am going to revise, and do it. 


I need to add some original photography into my work, to improve my CD.